Next Gen² Network Progress Report, Feb 2022

The Next Gen² Network Project is a group of projects that, together, implement a modern, secure network infrastructure for UW-Madison that supports university needs and promises a seamless user experience across campus. These projects will reshape the wired, wireless, and cloud-enterprise network on UW-Madison’s campus to be responsive to our contemporary and future instructional, research, business, and operational needs.

BAN Network

The project team has 63% or 125 of the 198 BAN building conversions complete, with others in progress. Tasks were completed on multiple buildings these past weeks increasing task completion for the project to 78%. The project has accelerated its completion rate as resources have been able to focus on this project.

Campus Core Router Upgrade

Campus core upgrade equipment (Nexus 7710) is installed with fully functional routing of IPv4 and IPv6 traffic. Wireless traffic is migrated to the wireless core/new campus core routers.Only remaining migration of Research networking to new research core router/new campus core router underway. Migration of remaining RBN networking off ASR-9K to the new Research core router is underway with High Energy Physics now complete. RBN design fully implemented. Remaining Research Networking migrations are still underway. Completion date has been revised to 3/31/22.

Network Automation Project

Infoblox integration work has continued, including work on a tool for network profixes. We are also starting to look at IP address record sync. Additionally, work began in December on Catalyst 9300 tools.

Wireless Network Redesign

We are segmenting the wireless network to reduce outage impact and determining if the project needs to be taken through the intake process.