If you were unable to attend one of the discovery sessions held across campus in January, please join us for a virtual Next Gen² Network discovery session.
March 2, 2:30-3:30pm
- Webex Meeting Number (access code): 924 022 511
- Join by Phone: (415) 655-0001
- Join by Video System or Application: 924022511@uwmadison.webex.com
- Join by Microsoft Lync or Microsoft Skype for Business 924022511.uwmadison@lync.webex.com
Your participation in this virtual meeting helps us gather data across campus about how UW–Madison uses the wired, wireless, and cloud-enterprise network. As technology advances, we are charged with maintaining network infrastructure while keeping pace with new instructional, research, and operational needs. As such, we are particularly interested in getting input from faculty and researchers.
We appreciate your opinions and suggestions about how we should grow the network in the future, and hope you participate in this call.